This dynamic finger joint extends the proximal interphalangeal (PIP) and metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joints, leaving the distal interphalangeal (DIP) joint in a completely neutral position. The cushion at the top of your finger distributes the pressure evenly. When the PIP joint is bent at 15 degrees, the force affecting the PIP joint is approximately 2.3 N.
Finger splints - irreplaceable orthopedic aid for various injuries or inflammations. Finger splints are especially useful after injuries, and some are a real salvation while doing intense sports. The orthopedic splint is comfortable and soft, but also provides the necessary support and stability.
Finger orthoses - irreplaceable orthopedic aid in case of various injuries or inflammations. Finger orthoses are especially useful after injuries, and some of them are a real lifesaver during intense sports. The orthotic brace is comfortable, pleasant and soft, but provides the necessary support and stability.