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Computerized foot screening in pregnant women
Computerized foot screening in pregnant women
Most pregnant women complain in musculoskeletal disorders, especially in the back and lower limbs. The centre of gravity changes as the fetus grows, and the hormones synthesized during pregnancy..
Remote consultation in orthopedic and trauma surgery
Remote consultation in orthopedic and trauma surgery
(By phone or video call) A remote consultation will allow the patient to learn about the causes and solutions to his/her injuries, post-traumatic phenomena, musculoskeletal pain, and foot problems.
Foot, ankle, knee, and spine assessment for children
Foot, ankle, knee, and spine assessment for children
Assessing the condition of feet, ankles, knees, and spine involves a stance, gait, and running test. It is relevant for all children, whether they have gait or mobility problems or want to have ...
Leg length discrepancy measurement
Leg length discrepancy measurement
A difference of leg lengths of just a few millimetres or greater than 1 cm can contribute to lower back pain, limit the ankle, knee, and hip movements..
Standing posture,gait and running analysis
Standing posture,gait and running analysis
Computer-assisted stance, gait, and running analysis is precise movement analysis based on biomechanical testing and diagnostics. It is designed to analyse in detail the technique and style ..